Friday, December 12, 2008

Surf and Turf

Here we have another great steak. This time it's a Fillet Mignon. For this beautiful chunk of meat. I kept it simple. No marinade. Just a quick rub and on the grill. Want to see the rest of the process? Hit that link below...

Along with that hunk of Fillet I also did some fat shrimp in a butter bath right on the grill:

Back to the main event - the fillet. And it is quite a fillet. As everyone knows I don't like thin steaks. And here is another example of a great chunk of meat. And the cell phone is there again for perspective:

All I did with this was add some coarse salt, fresh cracked black pepper and granulated garlic:

Now time to flame sear this wonderful steak:

Flip and sear the other side:

I baked it for just a couple minutes and then pulled it to let it rest for a few minutes:

And of course the money shot:

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