Monday, November 24, 2008

Guy Night at the GrillinFool's Part I

So, last Saturday, my son's 7 month birthday we did Guy Night at the GrillinFool's. For years guy night was just my dad and I. We would do this a few nights of the year. Steaks bigger than your foot, a good bottle of red (or two) and a guy flick - doesn't have to have a lot of plot but it needs to have some explosions and gun battles and maybe some nudity!?!?

Well, this guy night included my father - Fools Pappy on this site:

As well as my FiL and my son - Future Pitmaster: GrillinFool Jr.

I prepared quite the meal and took a ton of pictures so I am going to break it down into 3 posts. I did Filets, Scallops and Crostinis. I'll go into each in depth in their own post. Here are the finished products. Plated:

The closeup of the steak:

The Scallops:

The Crostinis:

First things first. Gotta get a proper beverage to imbibe while preparing the meal. This Schild Estate Barrossa Shiraz should do nicely:

The steaks were my typical deal, marinade, sear, bake, rest, slice. Take a look at these bad boys (cell phone for reference to size).

The Marinade was Andria's, red wine, olive oil, black pepper and garlic in a ziplock bag overnight:

Pulled them out of the marinade, patted them dry and sprinkled coarse salt and black pepper and let them come up to room temp. Never put a cold steak on the grill:

Seared over open flames:

After the searing pull the steaks off to the side:

And of course the money shot of my steak:

Part II will be the scallops and Part III will be the Crostinis

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